
PhDr. MUDr. Vladimír Vozár, MHA., MBA., MPH.

Hello, my name is Vladimír Vozár and I am glad that you are considering visiting my clinic. My life credo is “Good thoughts, good words, good deeds.” (Freddie Mercury) and that’s what I try to follow from the moment I choose my profession. The primary goal is to provide you with the best possible solution to your difficulties, while preserving “humanity”.

MUDr. Vladimír Vozár

Course of employment

2023 – trvá
2016 - 2023
2015 - 2016
2014 – 2015
2014 – 2015
2011 – 2012
2009 – 2011
2006 -2009
2004 - 2006
Tbiliská Health Center 6
Job position: Doctor of the Orthopedic Department
Hospital with Polyclinic Trnavské myto
Job position: Doctor of the Orthopedic Department
Bratislava University Hospital
Job position: Doctor of the Trauma Surgery Clinic of SZU UNB
Uherskohradiště Hospital and with.
Job position: Deputy head of the Traumatology Department
Hospital with Polyclinic St. Lukáš Galant
Job position: Chief physician - Department of Central Revenue (from 01.01.2014) Job position: Doctor of the Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics Department
Norfolk en Norwich Universiteit Hospitaal
Job position: Doctor of the Clinic of Orthopedics and Traumatology (Kliniese Mede-Trauma en Ortopediese Departement, SpR)
Universiteitshospitaal van Wallis
Job position: Doctor of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (Kliniese Mede-Trauma en Ortopediese Departement, SpR) Job position: Doctor of the Department of Emergency Medicine (Kliniese Mede-Ongevalle- en Noodaafdeling, Locum SpR)
Fakultná Nemocnica Nitra
Job position: Doctor of the Traumatology-Orthopedic Clinic Job position: Doctor RLP Nitra
NsP Šaľa
Job position: Doctor of the surgical department Job position: Doctor RLP Šaľa

Orthopedic clinic

Certificates and courses


Advanced cervical instructional course

Spain, Barcelona DePuySynthes Institute


AOTrauma Course - Principles in Operative Fracture Management



Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient

UK Leicester, The Royal College of Surgeon


Basic Surgical Skills

UK Edinburgh, The Royal College of Surgeon


Advanced Trauma Life Support

UK Leeds, The Royal College of Surgeon


Osteotomies in childhood

Bratislava, Slovak Medical University


New methods in osteosynthesis

Bratislava, Slovak Medical University


2018 – 2020
2017 – 2020
2012 – 2014
1998 – 2004
Slovak Medical University
Field of study: Public health / PhDr.
Specialization studies, LFUK Bratislava
Specialization field: Orthopedics, Specialization exam 2021
University Institute of Economic and Legal Sciences
Master of Business Administration, field: Management of management in healthcare
University of Health and Social Work St. Elizabeth, n. about.
Administration in public health / MHA
The University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
Postgraduate studies in surgical science (The postgraduate Certificate in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine in Surgical Science)
Slovak Medical University, BRATISLAVA
Specialization field: Trauma surgery, Specialization exam 2013
Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, BRATISLAVA
Department: General medicine


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